Parents & Students

  • Dress Code
  • Timing of Madrassa
  • Attendance & Punctuality
  • Rewards & Sanctions
  • Accident / Illness
  • Homework & Personal Planners
  • Progress Reports
  • Madrassa Rules

Dress Code

It is our strong belief that every culture and religion has its distinct identity. As such attending this madrassa provides an excellent opportunity to express our own outward Islamic identity and belonging as a Muslim. We expect all our students to wear uniform at all times from day one unless special permission is given.

Madrassa uniform for boys are:
Jilbaab: Plain white loose garment which reaches just little above to the ankle and must not be below the ankles.
Topi: White and plain head cover

Madrassa uniform for girls are:
Black Abaayah: Loose fitting clothes for girls 7 years and under
Black Hijaab: (hair, back and chest must be completely covered and the scarf securely fastened)
Footwear: Flat black shoes or trainers
Coat: A black coat must be worn especially in winter

The clothing under the Abaayah should be according to the Shariah and loose. Furthermore, students should not have un-Islamic haircuts. Please note; make-up may not be worn in madrassa and outdoor clothing may not be worn in classrooms.

Students are not allowed to wear:
Shirts, Short skirts, trousers or leggings (Leggings can only be worn under a long loose skirt or dress), Denim clothing, Tight fitting clothing, Dangling items of jewellery.

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Timing of the Madrassa

  • 3:00 Pm to 5:00 Pm Academics
  • 5:00 Pm to 7:00 Pm Maktab or Deeniat

All students should be at the Madrassah by their respected times. No supervision is available before the start time and must be picked by parents or authorized person as no supervision is available even after closing time. Students will be considered late if they are not in the hall by this time attendance is taken. Please note that the above times are indicative only and are subject to changes for salah or any other reason which will be notified in advance.

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Attendance & Punctuality

Good attendance is essential if your child is to get the best out of the madrassa then regular attendance ensures madrassa work is always up-to-date and higher standards of education can be achieved.

Students who are not present during register attendance at 3:00 p.m. will be marked late. If a student is regularly late, he or she will be placed on an attendance report and the parents / guardians will be contacted. Parents are requested to send in a note and inform telephonically on 514-998-8992 or 514 991 5766 if their child has been absent. Please include the following information in the note:

  • Name of your child
  • Dates of absence
  • Reason for absence

If your child is likely to be absent for more than a day, please send in a note of explanation as soon as possible or contact the madrassa by telephone. Even if you let the madrassa know about your child’s absence, still send in an absence note.

If you intend to take a family holiday during term-time, you must complete a holiday form and return it to the office. There is no entitlement to leave during term-time unless authorised by the Head Teacher. If leave is given and the pupil fails to return by the approved date then they may be taken off the admissions register. Parents are strongly advised to discuss term-time holidays with the Head teacher before booking any holidays.

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Rewards & Sanctions

We encourage good behaviour and a positive attitude towards work. Students who produce good work, show respect for the teachers, their peers and attend madrassa regularly and punctually will be given recognition. Certificates will be awarded for good attendance.

Discipline comes first. Bad conduct and behaviour will absolutely not be tolerated. Sanctions will be applied to students who continually misbehave and break madrassa rules. The following behaviour will not be tolerated:

  • Habitual lateness
  • Disruption in lessons
  • Failure to do homework
  • Rudeness to teachers or other fellow students
  • Bullying
  • Theft
  • Fighting
  • Vandalism
  • Not wearing school uniform
  • Chewing gum

Sanctions include detentions, behaviour and attendance reports and litter collection. Serious incidents of misbehaviour may result in suspension and ultimately, permanent exclusion. The school expects to be actively supported by parents on disciplinary matters.

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Accident / Illness

If a student is ill or has an unfortunate accident in madrassa and needs to go home, the administration will contact the parents / next of kin. Please make sure that the madrassa is provided with an emergency contact number and that the madrassa is informed if the number changes.

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Homework & Personal Planners

All students are expected to do some homework. The amount of homework set will vary depending on the year of study, subject and time of examination. Planners are issued to all students and homework should be recorded in the planner. Parents are requested to check and sign the planner every week.

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Progress Report

All students will receive a progress report at the end of each term. Parent’s evenings will be held during the course of the year and parents will get a chance to speak to the teachers about the progress of their child. If a student’s progress is not satisfactory, parents will be informed and meeting would be arranged to discuss. If parents wish to meet teaching staff to discuss progress or related issue, please ring and make an appointment as we cannot meet parents without arranged appointment.

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Madrassa Rules

  1. Students must attend regularly and be punctual for the start of madrassa at 3:00 p.m. and for all lessons. Anyone arriving late must report to the office.
  2. When a student is absent from madrassa, an absence note must be brought in. Advance notice must be given when a student has a medical / dental appointment.
  3. Students must follow the madrassa guidelines on dress.
  4. Make-up and dangling jewellery are not to be worn in madrassa. Furthermore, students are not allowed to wear or use designer clothes or accessories in the madrassa premises. The madrassa will not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal items.
  5. Student must walk and behave sensibly in the madrassa at all times.
  6. Students must not leave the madrassa unless permission given.
  7. All litter must be placed in the bins provided. Eating and drinking is permitted only during break time. Eating and drinking is not allowed in the hall.
  8. The following items are not allowed in school:
    • Unauthorised magazines or newspapers
    • Chewing gum
    • Tippex and solvents
    • Cigarettes, matches / lighters
    • Sharp objects / Knives
    • MP3-MP4 Players / IPod or any other digital media playing instruments / CD, mobile phones etc.
  9. Students must show respect to teachers and others fellow student. This includes:
    • Being honest
    • Using appropriate language
    • Listening carefully to what is said and following instructions
    • Being helpful
    • Respecting the property of others
    • Supporting people who are in difficulties

    10. Each student should bring their Qaaidah or Mushaf (Quran) with them in a handbag. Bringing Quran in a backpack is disrespectful (optional)

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