
Nisaab for Qaidah (beginners)


First Kalimah Tayyabah (The Holy Code)

Translation: There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Mohammad (S.A.W) is the messenger of Allah.
Second Kalimah Shahadah (The Code of Evidence)

Translation: I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and I bear witness that Mohammad (S.A.W) is the servant and messenger of Allah.
Third Kalimah Tamjeed (The Code of Glory of Allah)

Translation: Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, there is none worthy of worship but Allah, Allah is the greatest. And the power and strength is only from Allah, The most High, The most Great.

Asma ul Husna:

Islamic Knowledge:

Q 1. Who are you?
Ans. We are Muslims (Alhamdulillah).
Q 2. What is your religion?
Ans. Our religion is Islam.
Q 3. What does Islam teach?
Ans. Islam teaches that none is worthy of worship but Allah and Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is the servant
and messenger of Allah.
Q 4. What is the Kalimah of Islam?
Ans. The Kalimah of Islam is
Q 5. Who created us?
Ans. Allah Ta’aala created us.
Q 6. Who created the sun, the moon, the earth, the skies, and everything else?
Ans. Allah Ta’aala created the sun, the moon, the earth, the skies, and everything else.
Q 7. Who provide us with our livelihood?
Ans. Allah Ta’aala provides us with our livelihood.
Q 8. Who listen to our Duaas?
Ans. Allah Ta’aala listen to our Duaas.
Q 9. Who gives life and takes death?
Ans. Allah Ta’aala gives life and takes death.
Q10. Before whom do we bow our heads?
Ans. We bow our heads before Allah only.


Performing Wudu

1. Read
2.Wash hands till wrist 3 times.
3. Rinse your mouth 3 times.
4. Rinse your nose 3 times.
5. Wash your face 3 times.
6. Wash your hand till elbow 3 times (first right than left).
7. Rub your head, ears and nape once.
8. Wash your feet with ankle 3 times (first right than left).

Faraidh of Wudu

1. Wash your face.
2. Wash your hands till elbow (first right than left).
3. Rub one fourth of your head with wet hands.
4. Wash your feet till ankle (first right than left)

Daily Five Prayers







Hadith 1

Hadith 2

Hadith 3

Hadith 4

Hadith 5

Hadith 11

Hadith 12

Hadith 13

Hadith 14

Hadith 15


Duaa before sleeping

Duaa after waking up

Sunnah way of sleeping

1. Sleep with Wudu.
2. Dust the bed 3 times.
3. Lay down on right side with right hand under the cheek.
4. Recite ‘’Subhan Allah’’ 33 times, ‘’Alhamdulillah’’33 times, ‘’Allah u Akbar’’ 34 times.
5. Recite the Duaa before sleeping.

Duaa before eating

If One forgets Duaa before eating

Duaa after eating

Sunnah way of eating

1. Spread out Cloth (Daster khwan) on the floor.
2. Wash hands before eating.
3. Read Duaa before eating.
4. Eat with Right hand.
5. Not to lean while eating.
6. Not to find any fault in food.
7. Clean the plate and lick the fingers.
8. Read Duaa after eating.
9. Wash hands and rinse the mouth after eating.
Duaa before drinking water

Duaa after drinking water

Sunnah way of drinking water

1. Take glass in right hand
2. To sit.
3. Look in to the water before drinking.
4. Read duaa before drinking.
5. Drink in three breaths (minimum).
6. Read duaa after drinking.

Duaa for entering the toilet

Duaa for leaving the toilet

Sunnah way of using the toilet

1. To cover the head.
2. To enter wearing slippers.
3. To recite the Duaa before entering.
4. To enter with left foot.
5. Not to sit with face or back towards Qibla (Kabah).
6. Not to talk.
7. To wipe or wash with left hand.
8. To wash hands properly with soap after using the toilet.
9. To come out with right foot.
10. To recite Duaa after coming out.

Seerah tun Nabi (S.A.W):

1. What is the name of our Prophet/Nabi (S.A.W)?
A. Our Prophet/Nabi name is Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W).
2. His father’s name?
A. His father’s name was Abdullah.
3. His mother’s name?
A. His mother’s name was Aaminah.
4. His grandfather’s name?
A. His grandfather’s name was Abul Muttalib.
5. His grandmother’s name?
A. His grandmother’s name was Faatimah.
6. His uncle’s name who took care of Him?
A. The uncle who took care of Him was Abu Taalib.
7. Where was our Holy Prophet/Nabi (S.A.W) born?
A. Our Nabi (S.A.W) was born in Makkah.
8. When was our Holy Prophet/Nabi (S.A.W) born?
A. Our Nabi (S.A.W) was born on Monday, during the month of Raee’ul Awwal.
9. How many sons did our Nabi (S.A.W) have?
A. Our Nabi(S.A.W) had 3 sons.
      Abdullah (R.A)
      Qasim (R.A)
      Ibraheem (R.A)
10. How many daughters did our Nabi (S.A.W) have?
A. Our Nabi(S.A.W) had 4 daughters
     Ummu Kulthoom(R.A)
11. What was the age of our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W)?
A. Our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W) was sixty three (63) years of age.
12. At what age did Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W) becomes Nabi?
A. Our Nabi (S.A.W) become a Nabi at the age of forty (40).
13. How many years did our Nabi (S.A.W) live in Makkah?
A. Our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W) lived for fifty three (53) years in Makkah.
14. How many years did our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W) live in Madinah?
A. Our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W) lived for ten (10) years in Madinah.
15. Who was the last Nabi?
A. The last Nabi was our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W).
16. Will another Nabi come after our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W)?
A. No Nabi will come after our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W).
17. What are the people called to whom a Nabi is sent?
A. The people to whom a Nabi is sent are called his Ummah.
18. We are the Ummah of which Nabi?
A. We are the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W). Alhamdulillah!
19. Which Arab tribe did our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W) belong to?
A. Our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W) belong to the Quraysh tribe.
20. What was the name of maternal grandfather of our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W)?
A. His maternal grandfather’s name was Wahab bin Abd Manaaf.
21. What was the name of maternal grandmother of our Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W)?
A. His maternal grandmother’s name was Barrah.